NASA Logo, Mars Global Surveyor
MGS for Kids and Teachers

Mars Global Surveyor Magnetic Field Experiment for Kids

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Mazes are for everyone! Try your hand at these two tricky mazes dealing with Mars for a fun break. You can tell people you were studying Mars, but you will actually be having a great time! (These are meant to be printed out and scribbled over to your heart's content.)

  • Guide the Rocketship to Mars
  • This star-shaped maze puts you in the pilot's seat as you guide your rocketship through the twisty, turny path to Mars. Be careful!
    [Miniature Maze #1]
  • Guide the Pathfinder to the Crater
  • Now it's time to run around Mars as you guide your craft to a crater for a study period. Scientists are counting on your quick and safe arrival!
    [Miniature Maze #2]
  • Contributor: Lishan Amde
  • Authors: Theresa Valentine and Hailey King
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