NASA Logo, Mars Global Surveyor
MGS over Olympus Mons,
 Artwork by Corby Waste; Mars Global Surveyor, Magnetic Field Experiment, MAG/ER
, GSFC UCB CESR UDBRI NSF UGRAZ RICE; cover art of GRL Vol. 28, No. 21 with blac
k background

Mars Global Surveyor Magnetic Field Experiment

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Tectonic implications of Mars crustal magnetism

Figure 1

Connerney, J.E.P., M.H. Acuña, N.F. Ness, G. Kletetschka, D.L. Mitchell, R.P. Lin, and H. Rème

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,

Vol. 102, Iss. 42, pp. 14970-14975, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0507469102, 18 Oct 2005.

color version of figure 1 from paper

JPEG (257 KB) and TIFF (6.4 MB) format files available.

Figure 1: Map of the magnetic field of Mars observed by the Mars Global Surveyor satellite at a nominal 400 km altitude. Each pixel is colored according to the median value of the filtered radial magnetic field component observed within the 1° by 1° latitude/longitude range represented by the pixel. Colors are assigned in 12 steps spanning two orders of magnitude variation. Where the field falls below the minimum contour a shaded MOLA topography relief map provides context. Contours of constant elevation (-4, -2, 0, 2, 4 km elevation) are superimposed, as are dashed lines representing rotations about common axes (short dashed, axis northeast of Elysium Mons; long dashed, axis northeast of Hellas).

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