NASA Logo, Mars Global Surveyor
MGS over Olympus Mons,
 Artwork by Corby Waste; Mars Global Surveyor, Magnetic Field Experiment, MAG/ER
, GSFC UCB CESR UDBRI NSF UGRAZ RICE; cover art of GRL Vol. 28, No. 21 with blac
k background

Mars Global Surveyor Magnetic Field Experiment

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The Plasma Environment of Mars

Nagy, A.F., D. Winterhalter, K. Sauer, T.E. Cravens, S. Brecht, C. Mazelle, D. Crider, E. Kallio, A. Zakharov, E. Dubinin, M. Verigin, G. Kotova, W.I. Axford, C. Bertucci, and J.G. Trotignon

Space Science Reviews,

Vol. 111, Iss. 1, pp. 33-114, doi: 10.1023/B:SPAC.0000032718.47512.92, March 2004.

Astrophysics Data System entry.

Some of the data used in this paper is not available via the Planetary Data System (PDS) since the standard processing could not be done. The solar array kernels are unavailable from 11:13 hours until 19:36 hours. The solar array kernels are required for the transformations to planetocentric and 'sun-state' coordinates and for the calibration.

A special processing for day 1997-284 has been done. The sts files contain the uncalibrated sensor coordinates data, the rms for the data, and the solar array currents (note: -99 is shadow and -999 is data unavailable). The 'pc' file also has the spacecraft position in planetocentric (Mars-centered) cartesian coordinates while the 'ss' file has the spacecraft position in the 'sun-state' coordinate system. ONLY the spacecraft position can be transformed into the different coordinate systems. The magnetic field values are in sensor coordinates.

There is also a postscipt file similar to the ones usually provided with the PDS deliveries.

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