MGS MAG/ER Weekly Status Reports Index
Aerobraking - 1 (AB-1)
- Dates:
1997-255 (12-September) through 1998-085 (26-March)
- Orbits: 2-198
- Data rate: low and high
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
10 October 2007
- PDS delivery: cds sent the end of February 2001
- Team cds sent: end of February 2001
- Additional Data Information:
no data available for 1997-255, 1997-256, 1997-267 through 1997-271,
1997-316, and 1998-051 through 1998-085
Science Phasing Orbit - 1 (SPO-1)
- Dates:
1998-086 (27-March) through 1998-119 (29-April)
- Orbits: 199-328
- Data rate: low and high
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
03 January 2008
- PDS delivery: cds sent the end of October 2000
- Team cds sent: end of October 2000
- Additional Data Information:
some data corrected since initial release to team members
Science Phasing Orbit - 2 (SPO-2)
- Dates:
1998-147 (27-May) through 1998-265 (22-September)
- Orbits: 329-572
- Data rate: low, medium, and high
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
15 February 2008
- PDS delivery: cds sent the beginning of January 2001
- Team cds sent: beginning of January 2001
- Additional Data Information:
- no data available for 1998-257 through 1998-259, and 1998-261
through 1998-265
- there is data available for 1998-148 through 1998-150, but no
archiving SPK (ephemeris) data available
Aerobraking - 2 (AB-2)
- Dates:
1998-266 (23-September) through 1999-066 (07-March)
- Orbits: 573-1683
- Data rate: low and high
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
22 February 2008
- PDS delivery: cds sent the end of April 2001
- Team cds sent: beginning of May 2001
- Additional Data Information:
no data available for 1998-266 through 1998-268 and 1999-029 through
Mapping phase set 1
- Dates:
1999-067 (08-March) through 1999-152 (01-June)
- Mapping Cycles: 1-3
- Orbits: 1-1040 (count restarted with the beginning of
- Data rate: high
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
20 March 2008
- PDS delivery: cds sent the middle of August 2000
- Team cds sent: beginning of September 2000
- Additional Data Information:
- there is no data available for 1999-089 through 1999-091 and
1999-107 through 1999-118
- some data corrected since initial release to team members
- Operations Information:
High Gain Antenna (HGA) deployed 1999-088 (29-March-1999).
Mapping phase set 2
- Dates: 1999-153 (02-June) through 1999-236 (24-August)
- Mapping Cycles: 4-6
- Orbits: 1041-2068
- Data rate: high
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
04 April 2008
- PDS delivery: cds sent the end of September 2000
- Team cds sent: beginning of October 2000
Mapping phase set 3
- Dates:
1999-237 (25-August) through 1999-320 (16-November)
- Mapping Cycles: 7-9
- Orbits: 2069-3096
- Data rate: high
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
18 June 2008
- PDS delivery: cds sent the end of November 2000
- Team cds sent: beginning of December 2000
Mapping phase set 4
- Dates:
1999-321 (17-November) through 2000-039 (08-February)
- Mapping Cycles: 10-12
- Orbits: 3097-4124
- Data rate:
high through 1999-322 (18-November);
medium starting 1999-323 (19-November);
low starting 2000-037 (06-February)
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
18 June 2008
- PDS delivery: cds sent the end of January 2001
- Team cds sent: end of January 2001
- Additional Data Information:
calibration maneuvers were performed 2000-020 through 2000-022
(20-22 January 2000)
Mapping phase set 5
- Dates:
2000-040 (09-February) through 2000-123 (02-May 2000)
- Mapping Cycles: 13-15
- Orbits: 4125-5152
- Data rate: low
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
18 June 2008
- PDS delivery: cds sent the end of March 2001
- Team cds sent: end of March 2001 and end of April 2001
- Additional Data Information:
limited data for 2000-048 because of spacecraft anomolies
- Operations Information:
Spacecraft anomolies around day-of-year 048 (17-February-2000) caused a
minor loss of data for investigators, but no spacecraft health issues.
Mapping phase set 6
- Dates:
2000-124 (3-May) through 2000-207 (25-July)
- Mapping Cycles: 16-18
- Orbits: 5153-6180
- Data rate: low
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
18 June 2008
- PDS delivery: cds sent the end of May 2001
- Team cds sent: end of May 2001
- Additional Data Information:
no data available for 2000-181 through 2000-184 because of solar
- Operations Information:
ER high voltage was NOT turned off for solar conjunction
Mapping phase set 7
- Dates:
2000-208 (26-July) through 2000-291 (17-October)
- Mapping Cycles: 19-21
- Orbits: 6181-7208
- Data rate: low
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
18 June 2008
- PDS delivery: cds sent the end of June 2001
- Team cds sent: end of June 2001
Mapping phase set 8
- Dates:
2000-292 (18-October) through 2001-031 (31-January)
- Mapping Cycles: 22-24 and part of 25 (through end of
mapping phase)
- Orbits: 7209-8505
- Data rate:
low through 2000-330 (25-November);
medium starting 2000-331 (26-November)
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
18 June 2008
- PDS delivery: cds sent the end of July 2001
- Team cds sent: end of July 2001
- Additional Data Information:
end of 1st Mars year of mapping
1999-068 (09-March-1999) through 2001-023 (23-January-2001)
- Operations Information:
Spacecraft anomolies on 2001-018 (18-January-2001) caused a minor
loss of data for investigators.
Extended mission phase set 1 (EXT-1)
- Dates:
2001-032 (01-February) through 2001-093 (03-April)
- Mapping Cycles: remaining part of 25 and 26-27
- Orbits: 8506-9264
- Data rate:
medium through 2001-045 (14-February);
high starting 2001-046 (15-February)
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
26 June 2008
- Received archive kernels: 16 May 2001
- PDS delivery: cds sent the beginning of October 2001
- Team cds sent: beginning of October 2001
- Operations Information:
MGS MAG/ER switched from medium data rate to high data rate,
2001-046 (15-February-2001)
Extended mission phase set 2 (EXT-2)
- Dates:
2001-094 (04-April) through 2001-177 (26-June)
- Mapping Cycles: 28-30
- Orbits: 9265-10291
- Data rate: high
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
August 2008
- Received archive kernels: 31 July 2001
- PDS delivery: cds sent the end of December 2001
- Team cds sent: end of December 2001
- Additional Data Information:
no data available for 2001-123 through 2001-128 because MGS was in
contingency mode
- Operations Information:
- MGS C-Mode [contingency-mode] was entered at approxmately 10:16
zulu-time on Wednesday the 2nd of May 2001 (2001-122) during normal
Beta Supplement operations. The Spacecraft in a nominal C-Mode
configuration with all subsystems reporting no abnormal indications.
- MGS MAG/ER was turned on, 2001-129 (09-May-2001).
Extended mission phase set 3 (EXT-3)
- Dates:
2001-178 (27-June) through 2001-261 (18-September)
- Mapping Cycles: 31-33
- Orbits: 10292-11318
- Data rate: high
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
22 August 2008
- Received archive kernels: 26 November 2001
- PDS delivery: cds sent the beginning of April 2002
- Team cds sent: middle of April 2002
- Additional Data Information:
no data available for 2001-250 through 2001-253 because MGS was in
contingency mode
- Operations Information:
- MGS entered C-Mode [contingency-mode] sometime between 01:05-01:46
zulu-time on Thursday the 6th of September 2001 (2001-249).
- MGS MAG/ER was turned on, 2001-254 (11-September-2001).
Extended mission phase set 4 (EXT-4)
- Dates:
2001-262 (19-September) through 2001-345 (11-December)
- Mapping Cycles: 34-36
- Orbits: 11319-12345
- Data rate: high
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
18 September 2008
- Received archive kernels: 12 January 2002
- PDS delivery: cds sent the middle of June 2002
- Team cds sent: middle of June 2002
- Additional Data Information:
no data available for 2001-293 through 2001-302 because MGS was in
contingency mode
- Operations Information:
- MGS entered C-Mode at 04:52:18 zulu-time on Friday the 19th of
October 2001 (2001-292).
- MGS recovered from C-mode, 2001-295.
- MGS MAG/ER was turned on, 2001-303 (30-October-2001).
Extended mission phase set 5 (EXT-5)
- Dates:
2001-346 (12-December) through 2002-064 (05-March)
- Mapping Cycles: 37-39
- Orbits: 12346-13373
- Data rate:
high into 2001-346 (12-December);
medium starting 2001-346 (12-December)
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
30 September 2008
- Received archive kernels: 23 April 2002
- PDS delivery: cds sent the beginning of September 2002
- Team cds sent: beginning of September 2002
- Additional Data Information:
- no data available for 2002-059 through 2002-064 because MGS
was in contingency mode
- 2002-022 (m02d022) data corrected (9 May 2002)
- Operations Information:
- MGS MAG/ER switched from high data rate to medium data rate,
2001-346 (12-December-2001)
- MGS downlink carrier signal was lost, 2002-058
Extended mission phase set 6 (EXT-6)
- Dates:
2002-065 (06-March) through 2002-148 (28-May)
- Mapping Cycles: 40-42
- Orbits: 13374-14400
- Data rate:
medium into 2002-080 (21-March);
low starting 2002-080 (21-March)
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
14 October 2008
- Received archive kernels: 30 June 2002
- PDS delivery: cds sent the end of November 2002
- Team cds sent: end of November 2002
- Additional Data Information:
- 2002-145 (m02d145) data updated on 31 July 2002
- no data available for 2002-092 through 2002-100 because MGS was in
contingency mode
- end of Extension 1 of MGS mission
2001-032 (01-February-2001) through 2002-112 (22-April-2002)
- Operations Information:
- MGS MAG/ER was turned on, 2002-065 (06-March-2002)
- MGS MAG/ER switched from medium data rate to low data rate,
2002-080 (21-March-2001)
- MGS entered C-Mode, 2002-091 (01-April-2002)
- MGS MAG/ER was turned on, 2002-101 (11-April-2002) at
Extended mission phase set 7 (EXT-7)
- Dates:
2002-149 (29-May) through 2002-232 (20-August)
- Mapping Cycles: 43-45
- Orbits: 14401-15428
- Data rate: low
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
7 November 2008
- Received archive kernels: 9 October 2002
- PDS delivery: cds sent the middle of February 2003
- Team cds sent: end of February 2003
- Additional Data Information:
Mars solar conjunction occurred 2002-213 through 2002-231 (1 - 19 August)
- Operations Information:
MGS MAG/ER normal data collection process will be interrupted during Mars
solar conjunction, 1 August 2002 - 19 August 2002 (2002-213 through
Extended mission phase set 8 (EXT-8)
- Dates:
2002-233 (21-August) through 2002-316 (12-November)
- Mapping Cycles: 46-48
- Orbits: 15429-16455
- Data rate: low
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
2 December 2008
- Received archive kernels: 17 December 2002
- PDS delivery: cds sent the middle of May 2003
- Team cds sent: middle of May 2003
- Additional Data Information:
limited data available for 2002-296 (23-October-2002)
Extended mission phase set 9 (EXT-9)
- Dates:
2002-317 (13-November) through 2003-035 (04-February)
- Mapping Cycles: 49-51
- Orbits: 16456-17483
- Data rate:
low through 2003-008 (08-January);
medium starting 2003-009 (09-January)
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
18 December 2008
- Received archive kernels: 24 March 2003
- PDS delivery: cds sent the beginning of August 2003
- Team cds sent: beginning of August 2003
- Additional Data Information:
end of 2nd Mars year of mapping
2001-024 (24-January-2001) through 2002-345 (11-December-2002)
- Operations Information:
MGS MAG/ER switched from low data rate to medium data rate, 2003-009
Extended mission phase set 10 (EXT-10)
- Dates:
2003-036 (05-February) through 2003-119 (29-April)
- Mapping Cycles: 52-54
- Orbits: 17484-18511
- Data rate:
medium through 2003-092 (02-April);
high starting 2003-093 (03-April)
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
18 March 2009
- Received archive kernels: 12 June 2003
- PDS delivery: cds sent the end of October 2003
- Team cds sent: end of January 2004
- Operations Information:
MGS MAG/ER switched from medium data rate to high data rate,
2003-093 (03-April-2003)
Extended mission phase set 11 (EXT-11)
- Dates:
2003-120 (30-April) through 2003-203 (22-July)
- Mapping Cycles: 55-57
- Orbits: 18512-19538
- Data rate: high
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
13 April 2009
- Received archive kernels: 10 September 2003
- PDS delivery: received by PDS, 26 January 2004
- Team cds sent: end of January 2004
- Additional Data Information:
- there is no processed data available for 2003-125, and only
limited processed data available for 2003-124, 2003-126, and
2003-127 because only limited ck kernels are available
- there is limited calibrated data for 2003-128 because only
limited solar array data are available
- there is no data available for 2003-163 through 2003-168, and only
limited data available for 2003-162 and 2003-169 because MGS was in
contingency mode
- Operations Information:
- MGS entered C-Mode, 2003-162 (11-June-2003) at 1000 UTC.
- MGS MAG/ER was turned on, 2003-169 (18-June-2003) at
15:27:14 UTC SCET.
- ER fully operational, 2003-171 (20-June-2003) 1829 UTC SCET.
Extended mission phase set 12 (EXT-12)
- Dates:
2003-204 (23-July) through 2003-287 (14-October)
- Mapping Cycles: 58-60
- Orbits: 19539-20566
- Data rate: high
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
28 April 2009
- Received archive kernels: 9 December 2003
- PDS delivery: received by PDS, 14 April 2004
- Team cds sent: middle of July 2004
Extended mission phase set 13 (EXT-13)
- Dates:
2003-288 (15-October) through 2004-006 (06-January)
- Mapping Cycles: 61-63
- Orbits: 20567-21593
- Data rate: high
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
11 June 2009
- Received archive kernels: 18 February 2004
- PDS delivery: received by PDS, 19 July 2004
- Team cds sent: middle of July 2004
Extended mission phase set 14 (EXT-14)
- Dates:
2004-007 (07-January) through 2004-090 (30-March)
- Mapping Cycles: 64-66
- Orbits: 21594-22621
- Data rate:
high through 2004-036 (05-February);
medium starting 2004-037 (06-February)
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
07 August 2009
- Received archive kernels: 11 May 2004
- PDS delivery: received by PDS, 8 October 2004
- Team cds sent: beginning of January 2005
- Operations Information:
MGS MAG/ER switched from high data rate to medium data rate,
2004-037 (06-February-2004)
Extended mission phase set 15 (EXT-15)
- Dates:
2004-091 (31-March) through 2004-174 (22-June)
- Mapping Cycles: 67-69
- Orbits: 22622-23648
- Data rate:
medium through 2004-091 (31-March);
low starting 2004-092 (01-April)
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
22 January 2010
- Received archive kernels: 13 August 2004
- PDS delivery: received by PDS, 7 January 2005
- Team cds sent: beginning of January 2005
- Operations Information:
MGS MAG/ER switched from medium data rate to low data rate,
2004-092 (01-April-2004)
Extended mission phase set 16 (EXT-16)
- Dates:
2004-175 (23-June) through 2004-258 (14-September)
- Mapping Cycles: 70-72
- Orbits: 23649-24675
- Data rate: low
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
3 February 2010
- Received archive kernels: 22 October 2004
- PDS delivery: received by PDS, 30 March 2005
- Team cds sent: middle of June 2005
- Additional Data Information:
limited data 2004-251 (07-September-2004) through 2004-258
(14-September-2004) because of solar conjunction
- Operations Information:
MGS MAG/ER normal science data collection process was interrupted during
Mars solar conjunction, 2004-251 through 2004-268 (07-September-2004
through 24-September-2004).
Extended mission phase set 17 (EXT-17)
- Dates:
2004-259 (15-September) through 2004-342 (07-December)
- Mapping Cycles: 73-75
- Orbits: 24676-25702
- Data rate: low
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
19 February 2010
- Received archive kernels: 20 January 2005
- PDS delivery: received by PDS, 9 August 2005 (cds were
sent middle of June 2005)
- Team cds sent: middle of June 2005
- Additional Data Information:
- limited data 2004-259 (15-September-2004) through 2004-268
(24-September-2004) because of solar conjunction
- end of Extension 2 of MGS mission
2002-112 (22-April-2002) through 2004-270 (26-September-2004)
- end of 3rd Mars year of mapping
2002-346 (12-December-2002) through 2004-302 ( 28-October-2004)
- Operations Information:
MGS MAG/ER normal science data collection process was interrupted during
Mars solar conjunction, 2004-251 through 2004-268 (07-September-2004
through 24-September-2004).
Extended mission phase set 18 (EXT-18)
- Dates:
2004-343 (08-December) through 2005-060 (01-March)
- Mapping Cycles: 76-78
- Orbits: 25703-26729
- Data rate:
low through 2005-026 (26-January);
medium starting 2005-027 (27-January)
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
29 Nov 2012
- Received archive kernels: 01 April 2005
- PDS delivery: received by PDS, 8 September 2005
- Team cds sent: December 2005
- Additional Data Information:
there is no data available for 2004-358 through 2004-361, and only
limited data available for 2004-357 and 2004-362 because MGS was in
contingency mode
- Operations Information:
- MGS entered C-Mode, 2004-357 (22-December-2004) at 1134 UTC.
- MGS MAG/ER was turned on, 2004-362 (27-December-2004) at
18:15:18 UTC SCET
- ER fully operational, 2004-364 (29-December-2004) 1556 UTC SCET
- MGS MAG/ER switched from low data rate to medium data rate,
2005-027 (27-January-2005)
Extended mission phase set 19 (EXT-19)
- Dates:
2005-061 (02-March) through 2005-144 (24-May)
- Mapping Cycles: 79-81
- Orbits: 26730-27757
- Data rate:
medium through 2005-111 (21-April);
high starting 2005-112 (22-April)
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
29 Nov 2012
- Received archive kernels: 12 July 2005
- PDS delivery: received by PDS, 12 December 2005
- Team cds sent: December 2005
- Operations Information:
MGS MAG/ER switched from medium data rate to high data rate,
2005-112 (22-April-2005)
Extended mission phase set 20 (EXT-20)
- Dates:
2005-145 (25-May) through 2005-228 (16-August)
- Mapping Cycles: 82-84
- Orbits: 27758-28784
- Data rate: high
- Data Status: available from the
high time resolution (detail word) data available from the
29 Nov 2012
- Received archive kernels: 4 October 2005
- PDS delivery: received by PDS, 9 May 2006; delayed because
of issue with days 2005-211 through 2005-228
- Team cds sent: end of May 2006
- Additional Data Information:
- missing kernels for 2005-212 through 2005-215, 2005-222, 2005-223,
and 2005-227
- limited kernels for 2005-211 and 2005-216 through 2005-221,
2005-224 through 2005-226, and 2005-228
- Operations Information:
MGS switched to spacecraft processor 2 (SCP2) from SCP1 on the 31st of
July 2005 (2005-211). Since then, a very limited amount of reconstructed
kernel (pointing) data has been available.
Extended mission phase set 21 (EXT-21)
- Dates:
2005-229 (17-August) through 2005-312 (08-November)
- Mapping Cycles: 85-87
- Orbits: 28785-29811
- Data rate: high
- Data Status: available from the
- Received archive kernels: 29 December 2005
- PDS delivery: received by PDS, 9 May 2006
- Team cds sent: end of May 2006
- Additional Data Information:
- limited kernels for 2005-229 through 2005-233 and 2005-237
- there is no data available for 2005-239 through 2005-256, and only
limited data available for 2005-238 and 2005-257 because MGS was in
safe mode
- there is only limited data available for 2005-258 through 2005-261
because recorders were not being used
- there is only limited data available for 2005-271 through 2005-277
because of a recorded data playback anomaly
- Operations Information:
- There was an anomaly with the playback of recorded data from
27 September 2005 (2005-270) through 04 October 2005 (2005-277).
- MGS MAG/ER was turned on, 14 September 2005 (2005-257) at
14:13 UTC
- The spacecraft entered safe-mode on 26 August 2005 (2005-238)
- SCP1 was rebooted on the 18th of August 2005 (2005-230). As a result,
reconstructed kernel data is available again.
- MGS switched to spacecraft processor 2 (SCP2) from SCP1 on the 31st
of July 2005 (2005-211). Since then, a very limited amount of
reconstructed kernel (pointing) data has been available.
Extended mission phase set 22 (EXT-22)
- Dates:
2005-313 (09-November) through 2006-031 (31-January)
- Mapping Cycles: 88-90
- Orbits: 29812-30839
- Data rate: high
- Data Status: available from the
- Received archive kernels: 17 March 2006
- PDS delivery: received by PDS, 14 August 2006
- Team cds sent: middle of August 2006
Extended mission phase set 23 (EXT-23)
- Dates:
2006-032 (01-February) through 2006-115 (25-April)
- Mapping Cycles: 91-93
- Orbits: 30840-31866
- Data rate:
high through 2006-074 (15-March-2006);
medium starting 2006-075 (16-March-2006)
- Data Status: available from the
- Received archive kernels: 10 May 2006
- PDS delivery: received by PDS, 26 October 2006
- Team cds sent: end of October 2006
- Operations Information:
MGS MAG/ER switched from high data rate to medium data rate,
2006-075 (16-March-2006)
Extended mission phase set 24 (EXT-24)
- Dates:
2006-116 (26-April) through 2006-199 (18-July)
- Mapping Cycles: 94-96
- Orbits: 31867-32893
- Data rate:
medium into 2006-145 (25-May);
low starting 2006-145 (25-May)
- Data Status: available from the
- Received archive kernels: 7 August 2006
- PDS delivery: received by PDS, 31 January 2007
- Team cds sent: end of January 2007
- Operations Information:
MGS MAG/ER switched from medium data rate to low data rate,
2006-145 (25-May-2006)
Extended mission phase set 25 (EXT-25)
- Dates:
2006-200 (19-July) through 2006-283 (10-October)
- Mapping Cycles: 97-99
- Orbits: 32894-33920
- Data rate: low
- Data Status: available from the
- Received archive kernels: 4 December 2006
- PDS delivery: received by PDS, 18 May 2007
- Team cds sent: middle of May 2007
- Additional Data Information:
- Limited data for days 2006-221 and 2006-257.
- 4th Mars year of mapping
2004-303 (2004-October-29) through 2006-258 (2006-September-15)
- Extension 3 of MGS mission
2004-302 (2004-September-27) through 2006-273 (2006-September-30)
- File updated on 6 March 2007
- Operations Information:
- Some data was lost from day 2006-221 because of a sequencing
problem which resulted in a lost playback of several of the
recorder partitions.
- Data was lost from day 2006-257 because the star tracker algorithm
failed to converge on the detected stars resulting in the
spacecraft being off-Earth pointed by roughly 1.8 degrees.
Extended mission phase set 26 (EXT-26)
- Dates:
2006-284 (11-October) through 2006-306 (02-November)
[was scheduled to be through 2007-002 (02-January)]
- Mapping Cycles: 100
- Orbits: 33921-34204
- Data rate: low
- Data Status: available from the
- Received archive kernels: 11 January 2007
- PDS delivery: received by PDS, 18 May 2007
- Team cds sent: middle of May 2007
- Additional Data Information:
- limited data 2006-290 (17-October-2006) through 2006-306
(02-November-2006) because of solar conjunction
- no data available 2006-295 (22-October-2006) and 2006-297
- missing ck kernels for 2006-294 (21-October-2006) through 2006-298
- no data available starting 2006-307 (03-November-2006) because
of a spacecraft anomaly
- Operations Information:
- MGS MAG/ER normal science data collection process will be
interrupted during Mars solar conjunction, 2006-287 through
2006-305 (14-October-2006 through 01-November-2006).
- The spacecraft experienced an anomaly, 2006-307
- Other:
Additional Data Information
- 5th Mars year of mapping
2006-259 (2006-September-16) through 2008-215 (2008-August-02)
Extension 4 of MGS mission
2006-274 (2006-October-01) through 2008-274 (2008-September-30)