CCSD3ZS0000111111111NJPL3KS0L015MOMAGDSR MISSION_NAME = MARS_GLOBAL_SURVEYOR; SPACECRAFT_NAME = MARS_GLOBAL_SURVEYOR; DATA_SET_ID = STATUS_REPORT; FILE_NAME = INSTRPT_MAG_2001210_000000; PRODUCER_ID = MGS_MAG_TEAM; PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "MONTE KAELBERER, EVER GUANDIQUE"; PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2001-12-10T21:20:00.000; END CCSD3RE00000MOMAGDSRNJPL3IS00175GSFCACNA $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ MAG TEAM REVIEW: This MGS MAG/ER status report covers the period: 2-8 December, 2001 (DOY's 336-342) MAG/ER instrument temperatures, currents, and voltages are within nominal ranges. A gif plot of the instrument parameters for the week is located at: http://mgs-mager.gsfc.nasa.gov/status/sr01336-342.html Previous status reports for the magnetometer and electron reflectometer instruments can be selected for viewing at: http://mgs-mager.gsfc.nasa.gov/status/index.html The plotted quantities are: MCP_V-->micro-channel plate voltage A_MA--> controller current A_TEMP-->controller temperature ER_TEMP-->ER temperature IB_TEMP-->inboard temperature OB_TEMP-->outboard temperature There were no commands radiated this period. There were no major gaps this period. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ CCSD3RE00000MOMAGDSRCCSD3RE00000GSFCACNA
Last Modified: Mon Dec 10 16:19:48 EST 2001
Curator: Monte Kaelberer, Emergent
Email: Monte.S.Kaelberer@gsfc.nasa.gov
Responsible NASA Representative: Mario Acuņa
Email: Mario.H.Acuna.1@gsfc.nasa.gov