CCSD3ZS0000111111111NJPL3KS0L015MOMAGDSR MISSION_NAME = MARS_GLOBAL_SURVEYOR; SPACECRAFT_NAME = MARS_GLOBAL_SURVEYOR; DATA_SET_ID = STATUS_REPORT; FILE_NAME = INSTRPT_MAG_20060320_000000; PRODUCER_ID = MGS_MAG_TEAM; PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "MONTE KAELBERER, EVER GUANDIQUE"; PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2006-03-20T16:40:00.000; END CCSD3RE00000MOMAGDSRNJPL3IS00175GSFCACNA $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ MAG TEAM REVIEW: This MGS MAG/ER status report covers the period: 12-18 March 2006 (DOYs 071-077) MAG/ER instrument temperatures, currents, and voltages are within nominal ranges. A gif plot of the instrument parameters for the week is located at: Previous status reports for the magnetometer and electron reflectometer instruments can be selected for viewing at: The plotted quantities are: MCP_V-->micro-channel plate voltage A_MA--->controller current A_TEMP--->controller temperature ER_TEMP-->ER temperature IB_TEMP-->inboard temperature OB_TEMP-->outboard temperature There were no instrument commands radiated this period. The slight temperature variations in IB_TEMP and OB_TEMP on DOYs 072 and 075 were due to a MOC ROTO and a CPROTO event, respectively. The large (~12 hr) gap on DOY 074 is due to DSN time allotted to the ST-5 launch. The launch was aborted at the last minute, but it was too late to reallocate the DSN time back to MGS. On DOY 075 the data rate switched from high to medium. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ CCSD3RE00000MOMAGDSRCCSD3RE00000GSFCACNA
Last Modified: Mon Mar 20 11:55:00 EST 2006
Curator: Monte Kaelberer, L-3 Communications
Responsible NASA Representative: Mario Acuña